Meet Our Core Team

At Correspondents of the World we believe in flat hierarchies. We spread tasks and responsibilities among different teams so that everyone can focus on what they know (and like) best and no-one is just being handed tasks from "above". Our Core Team is responsible for the global coordination of the different teams, communicating with partners and sponsors and growing our community. Our core team members are:

Founder Global Coordination and Partnerships Contact Joost

Joost Backer - Global Coordination and Partnerships

Joost believes stories can change your life: in fact, life is made of stories. Travelling across Latin America, Asia, home-country Holland and other parts of the world, he became fascinated by the incredible amount of experiences people deal with. Personal stories. True stories.

Realizing that one story told by the person herself, can say so much more than 100 news-articles about that person. In July 2019 he therefore decided to put words into deeds and created Correspondents of the World. 

When he’s not busy with Correspondents of the World, Joost works as a Sustainability Consultant at NewForesight, composes piano-songs and plays football. His inspiration: The documentary series Human. Contact him ([email protected]) if you'd like to write a story, share ideas, or just chat.

Co-Founder Website and Design Contact Janosch

Janosch Haber - Website and Design

Janosch isn't a very outgoing person, but even he strikes up a conversation with a stranger if he's crammed into a bus for an hour-long journey through the Philippine highlands or stranded with a broken rental car somewhere in the desert between Jerusalem and Jericho. In his view, people telling their stories and sharing their views are a unique chance to widen your understanding, veering from your own perspective and maybe getting a glimpse of something invisible or overlooked before.

Janosch currently is a PhD candidate in Computational Linguistics in London. He works on mapping out the quirks of language to help computers understand us better. And the more he learns and understands about that, the less he seems to understand about language itself. It's weird. Oh, and he also gets talked into making websites from time to time.

Co-Founder Community Management Contact Ingvild

Ingvild S. Farstad - Community Management

Ingvild believes that every cup of tea spent with someone with a different background is a little adventure in itself. Thus she has been spending lots of hours drinking tea on her travels and longer stays around the world convinced that through stories, we create a common ground despite our differences, and encourage a sense of global community. 

Apart from travelling and drinking tea with people, she is driven by the idea of business as the key player in creating a more socially and environmentally sustainable world. Thus, currently studying Economics and Business Administration and taking courses in Conflict-studies and Human Rights whenever she has the chance.

Ingvild considers Mexico as her second home in this world, and will always try to convince you into learning a new language (especially Spanish with Mexican slang). Besides, she is a yogi, cat-lover, and Cuban salsa dancer. Also, she is always up for a fine-tune of reggeaton. 

Ambassadors Project Management Contact Veronica

Veronica Burgstaller - Ambassadors Project Management

As the child of a Balinese mother and an Austrian father, Veronica has since childhood lived in many different countries in Asia and Europe. Inbetween her Bachelors and Masters, Veronica also lived in South Korea, a country and culture she fell in love with.

She is multilingual in German, English, French, Korean and even knows a bit of Chinese and Indonesian. Now she works as a communication manager in Belgium.

Passionate about facilitating understanding between people, Veronica does not believe that culture, nation and language should be a barrier. Besides her passion for travel, she loves food, cinema or you can find her in a dojang practicing Taekwondo.

Sanjalee Chandrasekara
Translation Project Management Contact Sanjalee

Sanjalee Chandrasekara - Translation Project Management

I'm a Sinhala Linguist from Sri-Lanka, currently working in the International Langue services Industry. I'm continuing my higher studies in Language and Literature and Youth & Community Development. I joined Correspondents of the World to help my community to share their perspectives globally while, begin aware about various global insights.

Stella Meyer
Communications Lead Contact Stella

Stella Meyer - Communications Lead

Stella recently graduated with distinction from Uppsala University and Georg-August-University Göttingen where she was reading Euroculture. An expert in transatlantic relations, she wrote her thesis on the tensions between online disinformation, platform regulations and freedom of speech, comparing the US-American and German approaches to these issues.

Having worked at various cultural institutions including Deutsches Haus at NYU and LiteraturHaus Copenhagen, she gained ample experience in cultural diplomacy. Volunteering and working in over 7 different countries around the world fuelled her interest in international relations and taught her to pack light. She genuinely loves rain and gets giddy with excitement at the thought of winter and snow.

Stella is founding board member of the Student Think Tank for Europe-Asia Relations, where until recently she acted as Communications Director, managing all external communications. As Head of Communications at CotW, she is hoping to amplify the voices of those choosing to share their stories, and to create a diverse and lively community. Follow her on Instagram at @plan.e.t_love or reach out via email for social media requests or collabs.

Izzy Bauman
Head of Editing Contact Izzy

Izzy Bauman - Head of Editing

Izzy is fascinated by intersections -- where disparate people, ideas, disciplines, and beliefs come together to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. She is an engineer with a passion for storytelling -- every time she has moved to a new city (so far across the US, Scotland and Denmark), she has been immeasurably impacted by the new people and experiences that have expanded her world.

Correspondents of the World is a space where individual stories meet to create a colorful tapestry and encourage us to reflect and grow. She is the lead editor, where she draws on her background coordinating community-based sustainable energy projects and a mentorship program.

Professionally, she works in offshore wind energy development where she gets to investigate complex technical, economic, political, and social questions in our collective effort to slow climate change. Outside work, she is happiest when making music and theatre, climbing, playing a card game, or having good chats with (old and new) friends.

Meet Our Editors

Because we welcome everyone's story, we have a team of awesome editors to communicate with correspondents and help them with their writing. Our editors give feedback about story drafts and help correspondents to make their story accessible to a global readership. Our editors also check that our correspondents' stories are personal experiences rather than "about" something. Our editors are:

Melaina Dyck - Editor

Melaina is passionate about the power of stories in order to create connection. Personally and professionally, she driven by the desire to meet people and learn new perspectives.

With a Masters in Environmental Science, Melaina works at the intersection of human rights and environmental issues, advocating for communities whose stories are not always heard. Melaina has had the opportunity to travel, live and study in 11 countries (so far!). 

Melaina enjoys the challenging art of editing and writing. She is Correspondents of the World Senior Editor and USA Country Manager. Correspondents of the World combines several of her favourite things: learning from diverse perspectives, connecting with people all over the world, and working with words to tell stories.

Send her an email ([email protected]) if you’d like to chat. She looks forward to meeting you! 

Editor Contact Rick

Rick Scherpenhuizen - Editor

Rick believes that gaining multiple perspectives about different cultures, ethnicities and sexualities is what can make you grow as a person. There are always multiple sides to every story. Honesty is key! That’s why he became very excited about editing for Correspondents of the World.

When he moved to Barcelona for two years, his world changed a lot. By talking to (and befriending) interesting people from all over the planet, he began to understand himself and others around him. That is the period that made him who he is today. But growing never stops.

Now living in Amsterdam, Rick is mastering in the science of Politics, while focusing on International Relations. In the future, when he finishes his studies, he would like to become a journalist, to be able to tell people’s personal experiences, make sure the world keeps on growing and to fight ignorance. Especially by spreading honest stories from minority groups, like the LGBT+ community.

Besides that, Rick is crazy about jazz music and all different kinds of sports!

Samantha Deo Christian - Editor

A true Foucauldian at heart, Samantha believes in the power of lenses of experience. She seeks to bring narratives that are left out of history books--stories from the oppressed and the silenced--to light.

Originally from Indonesia, Samantha is currently studying International Relations in Germany, focusing in East Asian and Southeast Asian socio-political landscapes. On top of that, she is deeply passionate in postcolonial, gender, and cultural studies.

As a social butterfly, her days are never dull. She finds joy in meeting new people, making new connections, and going to new places. Her hobbies and interests are ever-changing and all over the place, but there are three things she truly, truly treasure in life: food, sleep, and her adorable, fluffy pomeranian!

Stéphanie Hamel - Editor

Stéphanie is an Amsterdam-based writer and editor. Originally from the Normand countryside in France, she spent her twenties hopping from one country to another and finally chose the Netherlands for its tropical weather.

While she holds a Master's degree in American Studies and specialises in topics related to gender and postcolonialism, she has mostly worked unglamorous jobs and has an unhealthy amount of memes saved on her phone.

After years of being asked to proofread and edit her friends' cover letters, academic papers and short stories, she is more than elated to be part of the CotW editorial team. Not only does she love being exposed to honest personal stories that wouldn't otherwise make it to the headlines, but helping budding writers reach their highest narrative potential also brings her immense joy.


Timothy O'Rourke (Tim) - Editor

I am a dual national French English, I've lived my childhood in France then stayed in a number of European countries along the way, including the UK. I've worked as an editor and translator for more than a decade. I now reside in Amsterdam with my family, and I'm slowly discovering my new environment.

Meet Our Social Media Team

Social media often is woven into the fabric of our everyday life. At Correspondents of the World we want to be visible on different social media platforms - both within our community and for new readers (and correspondents). We are currently growing towards being able to react to global news stories with the stories of our corespondents to display their individual relevance. Our social media team members are:

Amelyah Roach
Communications Team Contact Amelyah

Amelyah Roach - Communications Team

Hi ! I'm Amelyah ! I'm was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean, but I live and study in France currently. I have a background in English Literature, technical content writing and content creation, digital marketing and I speak French and Spanish (and English of course). I consider myself a global citizen, a lover of culture and all things that have soul and depth to them. I'm so excited to be apart of the CotW communications team !

Khalid Al-Tuma
Web Developer Contact Khalid

Khalid Al-Tuma - Web Developer

Hey, my name is Khalid an enthusiastic Computer Engineering student from Iraq who is trying to make an impact, being an Iraqi who had to be displaced twice (from south to center to the north) during my childhood within my country because of sectarianism, I've realized that the lack of understanding and listening to each other directly can lead to extremism and violence in a country that has such diversity of people and beautiful cultures, CotW is addressing this problem by creating a platform to share stories from different perspectives to enable better understanding of one another to make the world a better place and that's why I'm in!

Stella Meyer
Communications Lead Contact Stella

Stella Meyer - Communications Lead

Stella recently graduated with distinction from Uppsala University and Georg-August-University Göttingen where she was reading Euroculture. An expert in transatlantic relations, she wrote her thesis on the tensions between online disinformation, platform regulations and freedom of speech, comparing the US-American and German approaches to these issues.

Having worked at various cultural institutions including Deutsches Haus at NYU and LiteraturHaus Copenhagen, she gained ample experience in cultural diplomacy. Volunteering and working in over 7 different countries around the world fuelled her interest in international relations and taught her to pack light. She genuinely loves rain and gets giddy with excitement at the thought of winter and snow.

Stella is founding board member of the Student Think Tank for Europe-Asia Relations, where until recently she acted as Communications Director, managing all external communications. As Head of Communications at CotW, she is hoping to amplify the voices of those choosing to share their stories, and to create a diverse and lively community. Follow her on Instagram at @plan.e.t_love or reach out via email for social media requests or collabs.

Social Media and Communications Contact Veronica

Veronica Burgstaller - Social Media and Communications

As the child of a Balinese mother and an Austrian father, Veronica has since childhood lived in many different countries in Asia and Europe. Inbetween her Bachelors and Masters, Veronica also lived in South Korea, a country and culture she fell in love with. She is multilingual in German, English, French, Korean and even knows a bit of Chinese and Indonesian. Now she works as a communication manager in Belgium. Passionate about facilitating understanding between people, Veronica does not believe that culture, nation and language should be a barrier. Besides her passion for travel, she loves food, cinema or you can find her in a dojang practicing Taekwondo.

Meet Our Community Team

Correspondents of the World is not just about personal stories - it's about genuine interaction and conversation, too. To create opportunities for these, our Community Team organises online and offline events and brings people together. The Community Team members also care about and for our community, and make sure everyone's heard. The Community Team consists of:

Ekasmayi Naresh
Community Team Contact Ekasmayi

Ekasmayi Naresh - Community Team

I am a psychology graduate, currently pursuing my doctoral studies in social science at the National Institute of Advanced Studies, India. I have broad ranging interests in understanding people and cultures and seeing how communities can be benefitted through the power of stories. In my spare time, I write poetry, read and watch and discuss movies. I hope to make a positive change through my efforts in the community team.

Co-Founder Community Management Contact Ingvild

Ingvild S. Farstad - Community Management

Ingvild believes that every cup of tea spent with someone with a different background is a little adventure in itself. Thus she has been spending lots of hours drinking tea on her travels and longer stays around the world convinced that through stories, we create a common ground despite our differences, and encourage a sense of global community. 

Apart from travelling and drinking tea with people, she is driven by the idea of business as the key player in creating a more socially and environmentally sustainable world. Thus, currently studying Economics and Business Administration and taking courses in Conflict-studies and Human Rights whenever she has the chance.

Ingvild considers Mexico as her second home in this world, and will always try to convince you into learning a new language (especially Spanish with Mexican slang). Besides, she is a yogi, cat-lover, and Cuban salsa dancer. Also, she is always up for a fine-tune of reggeaton. 

Phoebe Parsons
Community Team Contact Phoebe

Phoebe Parsons - Community Team

Phoebe’s love of storytelling grew from a peripatetic childhood in remote regions of Australia, countries in Asia, Africa and Europe. Stories are what shape and bind us, and can serve as conduits to deeper intercultural understanding. She believes this can be fostered further through centring and amplifying local voices and realities in global news stories.
Phoebe is also passionate about communication through music and learning about people and places through this art form. She loves to sing, play guitar and piano, and is always ready for an impromptu jam session. Phoebe has a deep appreciation of nature, reflected in her love of hiking and her artwork which is inspired heavily by the natural world.

Phoebe completed her bachelor’s degree in Global Liberal Arts at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London.

Meet Our Story Ambassadors

Story Ambassadors make contact with new correspondents, initiatives and partners, share stories with their communities and organise local events. Our Ambassadors are:

Brurce Mecca
Regional Ambassador for Indonesia Contact Brurce

Brurce Mecca - Regional Ambassador for Indonesia

Story is the window to understand the world. We are never deprived of it. All we need to do is just listen.

Brurce believes that stories are the most powerful tool capable of bringing change. While not everyone has the same opportunity to share their stories, he believes that it is on everyone's shoulder to help the world to listen better. Especially listening to the unheard.

Brurce is a climate policy analyst with expertise in climate finance and equity. He has worked on various environmental issues in Indonesia. Furthermore, he is also volunteering in social activism on gender justice. During his free time, he enjoys arts and hiking. He obtained his master's degree from Yale University and bachelor's from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Charu Thukral
Regional Ambassador for India Contact Charu

Charu Thukral - Regional Ambassador for India

Namaste from India. I am Charu, a 30 years ’not-so-old' woman from the city of Taj, Agra, living in the city of dreams, Mumbai. I have done my higher studies in economics from a beautiful city called Pune. I proudly call myself a feminist.

By profession I am a development sector executive engaged in a new-born agri-business. By passion, I am a yoga practitioner and trainer. Yoga broadens the connection between me and the universe, spiritually speaking, and I am open to sharing the knowledge with whoever wishes to walk the path.

Hannah Jagiri
Ambassador for Nigeria Contact Hannah

Hannah Jagiri - Ambassador for Nigeria

Aside being a content writer, H.T. Jagiri is a journalist and creative writer. Her creative works can be found in Kalahari review, Brittle paper, Olongo Africa and elsewhere. In her words “We all have a singular purpose on earth, mine is to tell stories”

Hoda Sarkeshik
Ambassador for Iran Contact Hoda

Hoda Sarkeshik - Ambassador for Iran

Let’s tell our stories!

Louiza Moyersoen
Story Ambassador Contact Louiza

Louiza Moyersoen - Story Ambassador

Hey! I'm Louiza. I'm Algerian-Belgian from Brussels. Growing up, I had difficulties understanding that I could be both. Luckily in Brussels, different cultures lived together and interacted. Seeing how all these different cultures lived together and interacted caught my attention. So I decided to study Cultural Anthropology in Amsterdam, so that I could form a better understanding of cultures and peoples individual stories. In a way it also helps me get a better understand of myself.
Story telling can aid even more in this. It connects people from all over the world that have the same experiences even though they have never met.

Zhihao Zhong
Regional Ambassador for China Contact Zhihao

Zhihao Zhong - Regional Ambassador for China

Zhihao (he/they) studies public policy in Berlin. He has been on his journey exploring intersectionality for a while and wants to bridge the understanding of intersectional inequity with storytelling.

Zhihao has taught at a village school in South China and studied journalism. You can find his voice through his podcast '听不见 UNHEARD' on Spotify, where he talks to people in Chinese trying to apply an intersectional scope. By the way, Berlin has turned him into a happy vegetarian.

Meet Our Translators

While most of our website is in English, we have a growing team of translators to make our stories accessible to other language communities, too. Our translators translate stories either from a correspondent's native language into English, or from English into a range of other languages so they can be shared with people who are more comfortable in other languages. Our translators are:

Alireza Shadmani
Translator for French and Farsi Contact Alireza

Alireza Shadmani - Translator for French and Farsi

My name is Alireza, and I was born in Fasa, Iran. My hometown is near a historical place called Persepolis, which was built in 2500 BC. I recently graduated with a master’s degree in Civil Engineering, however, I always loved to write and read new stories and tales. I love to build a safer place for people to live there, and it was also my dream from the past; that is why I chose civil engineering. I have a great passion for getting familiar with new cultures and people. I love to help people in many cases, and I do everything I can in this regard. Additionally, I have been interested in learning new languages since childhood.

Anita Landolfo
Translator for Italian Contact Anita

Anita Landolfo - Translator for Italian

Hi! My name is Anita and I’m a native Italian speaker. I’m from Naples but I lived for a short time in Rome where I graduated from university with a Master’s degree in Interpreting and Translation (English and Chinese). Since I was a child I have always been passionate about music, that’s why during my years of study I also worked as a professional singer in the music industry. Languages and music have both taught me that words hide powerful meanings, so when I heard about Correspondents of the World I soon decided to grasp this huge opportunity and join the team as a volunteer translator. This means a lot to me and I’m looking forward to giving voice to all those amazing stories around the world!

Anna Schmid-Burgk
Translator for German Contact Anna

Anna Schmid-Burgk - Translator for German

Hi! I'm Anna and I'm a German translator here at CotW.
I'm a certified translator & interpreter since 2020 and finished my BA in specialised translation with focus on finance two years later at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg - Schweinfurt and am about start my MA in translation & terminology in October 2022 at the University of Malta.
I've always loved learning new languages and getting to know different cultures. When I'm not currently having my nose burried deep in a book or in some crafting project, I'm a passionate traveller.
In my opinion words are what connects us.
I'm very grateful that I found this opportunity here at Correspondents of the Word.

Anoud Abu Hassan
Translator for Arabic Contact Anoud

Anoud Abu Hassan - Translator for Arabic

Hi, I am Anoud, half Jordanian and half Palestinian, and now I am living in the Netherlands. I love plants, food, elephants and photography.
Arabic is my mother tongue language and I can speak English fluently. I love languages in general and how they connect the world like bridges, and how they open doors and windows and widen our views.
I believe that people who speak more than one language are like encyclopedias. And I also believe that these people should use this gift to transfer the knowledge among human beings.

Atousa Nasertork
Translator for Farsi Contact Atousa

Atousa Nasertork - Translator for Farsi

My name is Atousa. I am from Tehran, the capital city of Iran. I am actually a civil engineer, with a specialty in earthquake engineering. I am intrigued by ML and DL, so I mostly do research and work in the field of artificial intelligence. During my free time, I enjoy swimming, doing yoga, playing musical instruments (piano, flute, or xylophone), reading books, watching movies, cooking, and hanging out with friends. Alongside my studies, I was always interested in paying attention to my social role; I tried to be more beneficial both for Iranians and immigrants to Iran by working in NGOs and participating in charities. Besides, I have always had a passion for learning new languages and getting familiar with different cultures. So, I guess all these feelings and passions brought me here to be a translator in the CotW!

Giovanna Luisetto
Translator for Italian Contact Giovanna

Giovanna Luisetto - Translator for Italian

Translation is my natural inclination and my gift, it simply makes me happy, so I'm really proud to be a part of the team. I'm 47, I live in Padua, in the north of Italy, and I started working when I was 19, but I've always been in love with foreign languages, English in particular. I've always wanted to be an interpreter, but sometimes life is strange and difficult and dreams cannot be realized. But you know, when you have a passion you never forget it, so in 2016 I started to study translation and I discovered that it's a creative and beautiful world too. When I translate I'm completely centered and concentrated, I feel a kind of perfect alignment with my soul. That's why I'll never stop.

Hwaeun Lee
Translator for Korean Contact Hwaeun

Hwaeun Lee - Translator for Korean

Hello, I am Hwaeun Lee from South Korea. I've had many different jobs including a paralegal, a journalist, and a patent translator since I graduated from college and graduate school, and it has been an awesome journey.

However, I recently got to a point to ask "so now what?" And I realized that I want to write stories in English and in Korean who can inspire people with words. I also want to translate others' stories so that they can be heard by people in different languages and cultures. That's why I chose to be part of CotW translation team, and I am ready to spread wonderful stories around the world.

I usually spend my free time reading, writing, swimming and playing ukulele. I also love traveling and meeting new people. After the pandemic I would like to travel to countries I've never been to.

Hyejin Kim
Translator for Korean Contact Hyejin

Hyejin Kim - Translator for Korean

Hyejin is currently based in Busan, Republic of Korea, after having spent the last two years in Europe for her master in heritage studies as part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree program in Czech Republic and Hungary and for work in France. She is experienced in promoting intercultural dialogues as well as managing external relationships in public sectors on national and international levels. Her professional interests include facilitating events, conferences, and activities for international institutions and managing their relationships and communications with other multilateral organizations and partners. Outside of work, she loves spontaneous walking and trips, and yoga and meditation.

Insang Cho
Translator for Korean Contact Insang

Insang Cho - Translator for Korean

Hi! I'm Insang and I am a Korean Translator at CotW. I'm currently living in Kent, in the UK and enjoying this English Countryside life a lot, which is pretty much the opposite to my previous one in Seoul, where there are always hundreds of thousands of people on streets!

My hobby is reading, cooking, singing, going to the gym for weight training and spinning which is an indoor cycling group exercise. Particularly I love spinning because I was a spin instructor for about 5 years back in Korea. On top of that, no matter where it is, I really like travelling! As I have visited over 12 countries and 27 cities in Europe, Asia and Africa. I've learnt original cultures, traditions, and unique differences in each country and city, but most of all, I've attained a global perspective and learnt the lesson, 'Every single person is similar regardless of race and country'.

I'm so grateful beyond words that I could join CotW and I really appreciate having the opportunity to spread lots of different types of stories all over the globe! I hope I can disseminate numerous stories in Korean and help make a better world.

Katarina Benkova
Translator for Mandarin Contact Katarina

Katarina Benkova - Translator for Mandarin

Hi! My name is Katarina, currently in my final year of BA International Relations and Chinese. I love learning languages together with exploring different cultures and their unique history. As I come from Slovakia, I love nature and hiking. 

你好! 我叫Katarina, 目前是我在国际关系和中文专业的最后一年。我喜欢学习语言,探索不同的文化和他们独特的历史。由于我来自斯洛伐克,我热爱大自然和徒步旅行。

Translator for Spanish Contact Leonardo

Leonardo - Translator for Spanish

My name is Leonardo, and I am one of the translators of Correspondents of the World. I love reading, writing and drawing. I am a big believer in listening to and extending compassion and empathy to your enemy, no matter how abhorrent or vile they might be. I think science and knowledge are supremely important in today’s world, and understanding them is key to navigating day to day life. I am extremely interested in the practical and policy-based side of politics, much more so than the cultural side. I am learning to understand economic and political systems, and trying to figure out the most effective ways to reform or change them. I firmly believe in the power of dialogue (in person, through the internet, even through fiction) as a means to initiate change and I am fully sold on the idea that individuals can have a huge impact in the world around them. 

Maria Grazia Calarco
Translator for Italian Contact Maria

Maria Grazia Calarco - Translator for Italian

Hi! My name is Maria Grazia and I'm Italian. I am passionate about language and writing and keen to explore the world. After living for a while in the UK, I have recently moved to the Netherlands where I am studying Linguistics. 

I believe in the power of language and stories to foster understanding, overcome cultural barriers and shape our world. As so, I am glad to be part of the CotW team!

Melina Gutiérrez Hansen
Translator for Spanish and German Contact Melina

Melina Gutiérrez Hansen - Translator for Spanish and German

Hi everyone! My name is Melina and I come from the beautiful Canary Islands, Spain. My passion for languages and translation began at a very young age, basically since I’ve been able to talk! I grew up bilingual to a Spanish dad and a German mom, which is why I’ve come to enjoy the art of translating as a way for my family to understand each other. In addition to that, I consider myself a huuuge bookworm which is why I ended up studying for a bachelor’s in Modern Languages and Literature. I am currently living in bonnie Edinburgh (fun language fact, “bonnie” is how the Scottish say “beautiful”!) where I completed a master’s in Cultural Management. I love animals, baking (although my failed sourdough bread might say differently) and travelling! Being a part of CoTW has given me the amazing opportunity of continuing to work with languages with an amazing team, gaining more translation experience in the languages I speak and being able to help spread the wonderful stories of the writers to more people around the globe!

Nargiz Mammadzada
Translator for Azerbaijani Contact Nargiz

Nargiz Mammadzada - Translator for Azerbaijani

Nargiz Mammadzada was born in 1997 in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, and lived there until 2021. After graduating high school in 2015 as an Honorary Graduate, she entered the Azerbaijan State University of Economics. During her bachelor’s degree, she focused on developing many skills related to her specialty. After graduating from university in 2019, she decided to work for two years before choosing a branch for her master's degree.

She believes that through writing we express ourselves and leave memories for future generations. She is very interested in learning new languages, finding new films and TV shows to watch, visiting performances, operas, ballets, and different museums, and, of course, traveling to various countries.

Ola Salah
Translator for Arabic Contact Ola

Ola Salah - Translator for Arabic

Everyone has a different story that I believe he/she is its hero, all of us have challenges and difficulties facing every day, we need help, support, and awareness of our needs. So, we are here to help people to describe their tales and deliver their voice to those who are interested in and spark the light of hope.

Since I was a student I realized that I am passionate about helping people, I have spent more than five years as a volunteer at the Life Makers organization, and went through all kinds of volunteering work. Our slogan was “He did not deserve life who lived only for himself”.

Being a part of the Correspondents of the World team will satisfy my passion and empower me to continue my journey of helping people.

Sanjalee Chandrasekara
Translation Team Lead and Translator for Sinhalese Contact Sanjalee

Sanjalee Chandrasekara - Translation Team Lead and Translator for Sinhalese

I'm a Sinhala Linguist from Sri-Lanka, currently working in the International Langue services Industry. I'm continuing my higher studies in Language and Literature and Youth & Community Development. I joined Correspondents of the World to help my community to share their perspectives globally while, begin aware about various global insights.

Soyoung Moon
Translator for Korean Contact Soyoung

Soyoung Moon - Translator for Korean

Soyoung is a Freelancer translator

Translator for French and Italian Contact Stefania

Stefania - Translator for French and Italian

Hi! I am Stefania and I am one of the translators of Correspondents of the World. Living in the biggest Italian island, Sicily, in the middle of the Meditarrenean Sea for all my life taught me how beautiful and enriching intercultural connections can be. I am passionate about language exchange, literature, history, art, spatial explorations, and I love music: listening to classical or jazz radios at least once per week!

I strongly believe that intercultural communication and cooperation can help us make the world a better place. I love listening to stories of people coming from different parts of the world and learning something new, listening to their viewpoints. For this reason, my education is mainly focused on Linguistics, foreign languages & civilizations, International Cooperation & Law, and Geopolitics through English and French language learning.

After completing my Master's degree, I would like to keep improving my language skills and keep making international exchanges as a part of my daily life. The same goes for cooking healthy (and not student recipes) homemade lasagne alla bolognese!

Zainab Alhassan
Translator for Hausa Contact Zainab

Zainab Alhassan - Translator for Hausa

A National Certificate On Education holder, I am a classroom teacher by profession.
I have extensive knowledge of doing work related to English to Hausa translation.


At Correspondents of the World, we want to contribute to a better understanding of one another in a world that seems to get smaller by the day - but somehow neglects to bring people closer together as well. We think that one of the most frequent reasons for misunderstanding and unnecessarily heated debates is that we don't really understand how each of us is affected differently by global issues.

Our aim is to change that with every personal story we share.

View Our Full Vision & Mission Statement

Growing Fast

Although we started just over a year ago, Correspondents of the World has a quickly growing community of correspondents - and a dedicated team of editors, translators and country managers.









Share your story

Every story we share is another perspective on a complex topic like migration, gender and sexuality or liberation. We believe that these personal stories are important to better understand what's going on in our globalised society - and to better understand each other. That's because we are convinced that the more we understand about each other, the easier it will be for us to really talk to one another, to get closer - and to maybe find solutions for the issues that affect us all. 

Do you want to share your story? Then have a look here for more info.

Share Your Story


Correspondents of the World is as much a community as an online platform. Please feel free to contact us for whatever reason!

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Joost: +31 6 30273938