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移民特别难。住在这里非常困难,尤其是因为我们远离朋友和家人。学习一门新语言也非常困 难。在这里,如果你来自中东,你将被视为二等公民,人们会看不起你。如果你老了,你必须 从头开始。
Iran, Western Asia

Story by Noosha. Translated by Javier Vidal Cano
Published on June 23, 2022.

This story is also available in GB ar de es kr

当我 20 岁时,我决定了搬到维也纳继续我的教育。我计划在那里找到一份工作,并可能在那 里度过余生。就是在那一年,Ahmadinejad当选为,尽管我没投票给他。然而,一切都很快改变 了。当我试图获得旅行签证时,我爱上了Mehrdad。他想住在伊朗。他相信他可以重建伊朗。他 相信做小小的事情可以有很大的改变。他希望看到伊朗的进步和改革。就像我一样,他爱伊 朗。最终,我们结婚了,我决定跟他一起留下来。

每年,我们的许多朋友和家人都会离开伊朗,搬到加拿大、美国,欧洲等国家。每天,我们两怀 疑留在伊朗的决定。移民特别难。住在这里非常困难,尤其是因为我们远离朋友和家人。学习 一门新语言也非常困难。在这里,如果你来自中东,你将被视为二等公民,人们会看不起你。 如果你老了,你必须从头开始。

据一些报道,由于第总统选举的结果,10,000多人决定了从伊朗移民。这个数字每年都在逐渐 的上升。对于中东人来说,移民是一个非常艰巨的挑战。我们非常重视家人、朋友,而且我们 对我们的母语充满激情。

生活在伊朗很困难,因为该国家面临着太多的问题。包括但不限于:缺乏社会自由和民主价值 观、高通胀、西方制裁、环境问题和军事冲突。

从我决定留在这里的那天已经过了差不多十年。尽管如此,我仍然每天都在怀疑我的决定。我 的丈夫和我现在在伊朗经营一家小书店。我们还是持续尽量做小小的事情可以有很大的改 变。但是每天早上和晚上,我们都会考虑从伊朗移民。我们经常对自己说-‘我真的希望我能在 这里有宾至如归的感觉‘。

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Our aim is to change that with every personal story we share.

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At Correspondents of the World we invite everyone to share their own story. This means we don't have professional writers or skilled interviewers. We believe that this approach offers a whole new perspective on topics we normally only read about in the news - if at all. If you would like to share your story, you can find more info here.

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We acknowledge that the stories we collect will necessarily be biased. But so is news. Believing in the power of the narrative, our growing team of awesome editors helps correspondents to make sure that their story is strictly about their personal experience - and let that speak for itself.

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At Correspondents of the World, we want to contribute to a better understanding of one another in a world that seems to get smaller by the day - but somehow neglects to bring people closer together as well. We think that one of the most frequent reasons for misunderstanding and unnecessarily heated debates is that we don't really understand how each of us is affected differently by global issues.

Our aim is to change that with every personal story we share.

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We believe in quality over quantity. To give ourselves a focus, we started out to collect personal stories that relate to our correspondents' experiences with six different global topics. However, these topics were selected to increase the likelihood that the stories of different correspondents will cover the same issues and therefore illuminate these issues from different perspectives - and not to exclude any stories. If you have a personal story relating to a global issue that's not covered by our topics, please still reach out to us! We definitely have some blind spots and are happy to revise our focus and introduce new topics at any point in time. 


Discussions about the environment often center on grim, impersonal figures. Among the numbers and warnings, it is easy to forget that all of these statistics actually also affect us - in very different ways. We believe that in order to understand the immensity of environmental topics and global climate change, we need the personal stories of our correspondents.

Gender and Sexuality

Gender is the assumption of a "normal". Unmet expectations of what is normal are a world-wide cause for violence. We hope that the stories of our correspondents will help us to better understand the effects of global developments related to gender and sexuality, and to reveal outdated concepts that have been reinforced for centuries.


Our correspondents write about migration because it is a deeply personal topic that is often dehumanized. People quickly become foreigners, refugees - a "they". But: we have always been migrating, and we always will. For millions of different reasons. By sharing personal stories about migration, we hope to re-humanize this global topic.


We want to support the demand for justice by spotlighting the personal stories of people who seek liberation in all its different forms. Our correspondents share their individual experiences in creating equality. We hope that for some this will be an encouragement to continue their own struggle against inequality and oppression - and for some an encouragement to get involved.


Education is the newest addition to our themes. We believe that education, not only formal but also informal, is one of the core aspects of just and equal society as well as social change. Our correspondents share their experiences and confrontations about educational inequalities, accessibility issues and influence of societal norms and structures. 

Corona Virus

2020 is a year different from others before - not least because of the Corona pandemic. The worldwide spread of a highly contagious virus is something that affects all of us in very different ways. To get a better picture of how the pandemic's plethora of explicit and implicit consequences influences our everyday life, we share lockdown stories from correspondents all over the world.

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Although we started just over a year ago, Correspondents of the World has a quickly growing community of correspondents - and a dedicated team of editors, translators and country managers.










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